Whew! Surprised the smoke alarms did not go off - my trusty Bernina has had a workout...
Two baby quilt tops for two nieces...
That way overdue wedding gift for a nephew and his wife...
Aunt 'Reen's May Mystery quilt |
...will be long-arm quilted in October - reservation made!
And a Jo Morton quilt sample which I forgot to photograph...all ready dropped it off at the LQS where I will be, guess you could call it, group leader for the shop's new Jo's Little Women's Club starting up in October.
Our Liberty Ladies group had a fun day at Nancy Zieman's Quilt Expo in Madison last week. The main focus for me was to pick up more diamonds for the Drayton Hall project....so first stop was the Paper Pieces booth and mission accomplished...plus Primitive Gatherings had convenient charm packs with 65 different squares...first 100 diamonds done - only 900+ more to go......
Then found what might be used for some of the broderie perse on the same quilt....still on the hunt though...and 2 more just because pieces.
This week has been a trifle more stressful starting with our bi-blue sheltie, Kelsie...
Scheduled for a teeth cleaning at the vets we were stunned to find out she needed 9 teeth extracted - they were all loose. Our new vet said she has never seen a sheltie that did not have dental issues - a weakness in the breed. But I also question how observant our previous vets had been. After 39 years and multiple dogs we thought it time for a switch to someone closer and more on top of modern canine care. After a long day, our silver girl came home with pain meds and antibiotics....where she is now bouncing around like a jack-in-the-box!
Then my Mom (88)was taken to the ER for shortness of breath - she has undergone testing but nothing glaringly obvious has shown up. We brought her back home and later that night, my Dad(95) fell in the bathroom. While he is okay, all of this going on has just piled up more reasons to get them into assisted living. Unfortunately, we are not making much progress in this direction. They are quite resistant. We got them the Life Alert system and it worked perfectly when Dad pushed the button for help when Mom was having the breathing problem. But we have moved beyond that now and need closer supervision as I am 40-45 minutes away.
To wrap this post up on a lighter note - what do you do to de-compress? How about playing with these little guys...1/4" hexies insanely purchased at Paper Pieces last week...talk about impulse buying...have not tried whip stitching them together yet...just experimenting.
The plan? Who knows - maybe a little pincushion or embellishment on a quilt label...certainly not a king size quilt that someone made and posted on Pinterest - now that's nuts!
Have a good weekend and hoping you find a way to de-compress when life feels a touch hectic.
Apples anyone? These are from tree # 1 - 2 more to go.....