Our quilt history study group, aka Liberty Ladies, had the opportunity to tour the elegant Paine Art Center in Oshkosh last Thursday.

No photos allowed, of course, but take my word for it, seeing these costumes up close was a total treat...heavily beaded, braided, tucked, and flowing - all examples of how clothing was designed and sewn at the turn of the century - by hand and with great attention to detail. From the quietly understated soft purple gown the Dowager Countess wore while mourning to the starched white apron that Anna wears as maid to Lady Mary - just an amazing exhibit and staged in a perfect venue.
The gardens were lovely and this fascinating structure is called a kaleidoscope garden..
By looking through one of the 3 viewing scopes ....
And turning the cylinder, you can create endless design compositions (I used to love the similar toys as a child)...I placed my iPhone up to the viewing lense...
Even hexies!
Our day out would not be complete without a quilt shop stop...just up the road from Oshkosh is Menasha - home to Lisa Bongean's Primitive Gatherings .
We had called ahead as 9 quilters showing up at once might require extra cutting hands. The staff had prepared extra goodies for us - they called us the Downton Abbey Ladies!
I ordered a copy of Irene Blanck's Focus on Applique, which they were out of, and a few pieces of fabric - could not find what I was looking for - imagine that!
A full day with friends - beautiful weather, good food - doesn't get any better for a quilter!
Wishing each of you a very lovely week.