Well, I sure haven't kept to my intentions of being a better blogger - here it is late July & this is only the 3rd posting for 2017...no long excuses though...let's just say my days are focused on too many house and garden projects.
As for quilting projects...Benjamin Biggs is a done deal - the top at least, and like my Drayton Hall top, is waiting in the lineup at the long arm quilters. (Yes those are a few wayward leaves that blew across the deck and landed just as I snapped the camera)

The only other actual sewing going on is getting 2 charity quilts ready to turn over to my quilting guild. Both will be tied and hopefully find a new home.
And if you will bear with me, I am showing a box of Cherrywood fabrics which need to also find a new home as I continue to downsize my sewing room...these fabrics were purchased with the idea of making clothing - something I only attempted a few times - with so-so success. As you can see, there are 2 larger bundles - one with gradated colors and one with 2 yards of a coordinating color. The small pack is fat quarters.

The second grouping is composed of more fat quarters, fat 8ths and dibs and daps of miscellaneous colors. Most of these in this group are also Cherrywood but may have a few other brands mixed in - however ALL the fabrics are hand dyed (and should be prewashed using Synthrapol to assure dye colors won't bleed).

If anyone out there is interested, leave a comment and I will get in touch with you to "talk turkey"!
That is it for now from Taylorsoutback.....