A few weeks ago, shortly after dinner, our son took all the pups outside...he immediately came back in and said...”Now...go outside now!...” Wondering what was going on, we all headed out the door...and stopped immediately - eyes fixed to the North...

What a wonder - the Northern Lights danced and wove their way across the sky. The display lasted for the longest time - my husband wrapped his jacket around me (he was the only one who thought to grap a coat on the way out). I wrapped my arms around our daughter-in-law - her teeth were chattering! The night air was chilly but we continued to be mesmerized by the constant movement. I can’t remember our son having a jacket on - he was so wrapped up in capturing the moment with his camera which he had mounted on his tripod...we would glance over at him as he calmly adjusted settings and exposure...watching Dave with a camera is an experience that stands alone...we think he has a gift. He tells us the camera can “see” all the colors of the Northern Lights that humans cannot with the naked eye. While we “saw” primarily green, there was so much more in the spectrum...
Our son walked over to the southeast side of our home and got the image that appears in my new header...
As the lights slowly faded from our view and we headed back into the house, my thoughts were of the many adventures we have had in Alaska but never saw their Aurora show...
I had to return home to see this magical light...
(Both photos used with the permission of our son, David Ryan Taylor - to see a few of his Alaskan images, including Aurora - visit https://www.thealaskalife.com/blog/featured-photographerdavid-ryan-taylor/