What a difference 2 weeks can make at the edge of the northwoods in Wisconsin...from a snow storm of “historical” significance to this week...patches of snow here and there but mostly bare ground and opening the potting shed to gather rakes and work gloves - let the yard work begin! Asparagus roots and onion plants have just arrived in the mail and need to find their place in our garden...
During the snowfall of April 14-15, the sewing room was like a cozy retreat and time was there to work on April’s Dolly Quilt Challenge organized by Wendy at The Constant Quilter. Finding a little 6 1/2” orphan block in pink was easy...the little basket pattern was from a long time friend and has always been one of my favorites. I love the accent of “spikey” embroidery stitching around the edges.

The basket is surrounded by scraps from a Judie Rothermel fat 8th bundle purchased at a long ago quilt show. And there was “just enough” of the vintage look toile fabric left to do a small border and backing for the dolly quilt.
Pinks and browns in a quilt always bring to mind stories such as Little Women or Hitty, Her First Hundred Years.

And any time I recall these beautifully written books, my Mom is never far from my thoughts. One Christmas I made her a Hitty doll (Mom was a doll collector) complete with bonnet and boxes. Are you a follower of Gail Wilson? Oh my, there was a group of us who got together and for months everything was all about Gail’s stunning doll kits. I still have 3 other kits of hers that wait to be done...I am not sure if the hands or eyes could complete the details needed now.

I look at Hitty with her painted face, tiny coral necklace and minute lace edging on her undergarments which I made by crocheting thread on a needle and know it would be a challenge at this time. Everything was done by hand. Now that Mom is gone, Hitty has become even more special to me and memories flood back. I miss her so...I would like to think she would approve of April’s little quilt.
Happy stitching and sweet memories to you this week...