...since last December, many of my days have been spent sorting through 72 years of memories at my parents house...the last box, drawer, closet and cubbyhole has been cleared and prepped for the Estate Sale which will take place later this Fall. The keys have been turned over to the ladies who will set up everything. My job is finished.
But, oh the memories...

As the summer winds down and a few extra hours have returned to my days, our own house can get some attention - it has been neglected...a family tree quilt made in 2008 as a gift for Mom & Dad has found a new spot folded on my Great Grandfather's rocking chair from West Virginia. Finally had time to add a new medallion to the tree with the addition of our dear daughter-in-law.
While there are still some warm days ahead, even now, evenings have become cooler and the gardens are in transition. Tomatoes have their first blush - it is always a race against those first frosty nights in September. Canned a few pepperoncini.....and made up some refrigerator pickles - our English cucumbers are really producing!
and waiting for an order of Concord grapes to arrive...grape jelly to be made.
...as always, quilting...one of life's best stress relievers...
Caught up with the Benjamin Biggs Wedding quilt being offered by Gay Bomers and Brenda Papadakis...June , July and August - done!
