Whatever pops into my thoughts...quilting, shelties, gardening, books, travel...
Sunset - June 2, 2020

Thursday, July 28, 2016
A day in Halibut Cove...
The day was gorgeous with blue skies and sunshine...a light jacket was all we needed...Halibut Cove is across Kachemak Bay (Yupik word for "large cliff by the water" and have also heard that it makes reference to "smokey" because clouds and smoke tend to collect in the area - there was a far off layer of smoke from the fires that burned up by the Turnagain Arm that week). It took about an hour to reach the cove as we leisurely watched for sea otters and whales that were swimming nearby.
A slice of paradise was revealed as we approached...
This is a small community which was a fishing village many years ago. After some hard times, the area became revitalized and attracted artists and the expansion of a couple of lodges to provide overnight stays. Along with an art gallery, there is The Saltry restaurant...
There are no cars and the only way around is by ATV, skiff or on foot walking along the lengthy boardwalks that cling to the sides of the rocks.
There are about 100 summertime residents and perhaps 20 hardy year round folks. The pace of this remote village is stress reducing - quiet, with only the sounds of the water, an occasional float plane or boat. We walked and walked and stopped to take it all in - it was so relaxing. With all the troubles in our world, Halibut Cove would be my choice of escape...
(and thanks to Mr. Outback for making this post possible - not only as Blogsy given up on my iPad, but the speed of his laptop really helps!)
Thursday, July 14, 2016
More S'mores anyone.....?
...one thing about being on vacation is that you are usually on the go - there are too many sights you want to check out - and Alaska has more than its share of wonders...
As filled as the days are, it is often the quieter evenings that leave moments forever settled in the heart...one such night was this past weekend. Our Dave and Jena had driven down to join us in Homer.
We headed down to the beach after dinner and gathered driftwood to build a fire. The sound of the waves accompanied our laughter as we watched the antics of our Kelsie, Seana and Kodi. Soon the warmth of the cheery campfire meant it was ready for - you guessed it - S'mores. It has been many a year since I last tasted these little wonders...who hasn't tried to perfect a golden coating on the marshmallow without setting it ablaze? Sticky fingers, spots of melted chocolate on the cheek and graham cracker crumbs -
The simple things are most often the very best in life - being with family is #1.
Wishing each of you happy moments with those you love...
Pat - from Homer, Alaska
Saturday, July 9, 2016
On a clear day...
....you can see across Kachemak Bay from our campground in Homer, Alaska. We are here for 2 glorious weeks and our Dave and Jena have just arrived to spend the weekend with us. We left behind daily rounds of rain while staying in Wasilla at a campground that left a lot to be desired. No trees, a rutted, pothold filled gravel drive did not add to the junked cars and rv's that surrounded the perimeter. It was the only thing available though - we were glad to leave there.
We have traded that for green grass and lush vegetation with a stunning view.
It is a short stroll down to the beach - this area is known for the wide swing in tides. With the tide out, shells, rocks and driftwood are exposed making for endless hours of exploring. Off in the distance a whale surfaces and a column of water shoots skyward. Sea otters float on their backs offshore...it is a magical place allowing cares and worries to retreat.
Homer offers other delights too - boardwalks invite us to visit tiny shops that offer locally crafted jewelry and carvings.

The last 2 days have been filled with what what makes up a vacation...long leisurely walks shared with our kids and the pooches; eating treats that we normally don't - freshly made gelato, cookies and different breads from the nearby bakery, salmon quesadillas...and more days ahead doing the same - we will count calories later!
Wishing each of you days to treasure...