Whatever pops into my thoughts...quilting, shelties, gardening, books, travel...
Sunset - June 2, 2020

Saturday, November 19, 2016
Winds of change...
L M Montgomery
Walking is a favorite of mine and not done often enough. However, since November 2 at our Annual Fall Retreat, I have made a concerted effort to walk frequently.
Month after month since early 2015, our country has seen such disruption that will take a long time to find a common ground and correct the hurts. Being outside, with ones own thoughts can be therapeutic. All week, the weather people have been calling for our first winter storm starting tonight. Should I try to get in one last outdoor walk before changing to the basement treadmill? The afternoon had hovered around 57 with spurts of rain drops and a soft breeze on the cheek...barely enough to ruffle your hairdo. Calling one of my little fur companions, Seana, we set out on the grassy path Mr. Outback keeps mowed in our south field. Three laps around = 1 mile.
It was very still at the level we walked...hardly a branch moved; the dried and faded goldenrod heads nodded gently and even the silky, white inner seed pods from the milkweed seemed at rest. Last week they filled the air, drifting and spinning about finding new homes. Far above, in the uppermost tops of the pines and poplars, a distant sound grew from the west...as though a great chorus was announcing the approaching storm. I looked up and could see tree tops swaying and touching each other like dancers. The sound intensified and the air around us was filled with the fragrance of distant forests that had
been collected along the way...
Closer the winds came until they crossed our road and tumbled down to sweep across the path and onto our fields. In the woods, tree branches snapped and hit the ground. Yes - a tree does make a sound when it falls in the forest whether someone hears it or not!
Living in the country for 20+ years has opened my eyes to so much - Nature in all her seasons offers lessons and parallels if we only allow ourselves to be open to seeing and hearing. The winds this afternoon will bring a major drop in temperature and the first snowflakes of the long winter. Changes are in the making. What will the morning bring? What lies ahead? Our faith and knowing goodness surrounds us can guide us even though the road ahead may be icy and uncertain...
From the northwoods, I wish each of you Thanksgiving Blessings...
Monday, November 7, 2016
Gone quilting....
Our annual Fall Retreat is now in the memory book - 5 wonderful days of being with quilting friends - sewing, hikes along the many trails, no cooking and the most incredible string of beautiful weather ever - November in the Wisconsin northwoods - 50's to low 60's during the day, 30's at night....amazing!
A fun trip to the nearby LQS - where we met this sister quilter...
While I have returned home with nothing completely finished (had not expected too!) progress has been made on a couple of my long term projects...
The second border to my Di Ford Drayton Hall...
And the start of Border #3...
All the little 9 patch units are done for Lisa Bongean's Settler's Crossing...my goal now is finish this up during the winter - after 3 years there will NOT be a 4th! Time to do it!
Needing to calm the feeling of being a quilter out of control...please tell me I am not alone...
So many projects that need or want to be done...and yet new discoveries are calling...Paper Pieces and their new Dear Jane packets will be arriving starting in December...next Spring, Di Ford's 2nd book will be out and must have. All the new fabric lines being introduced...
Happy stitching everyone...