Just a few more days of 2018...a time for reflection and also looking ahead...what will 2019 bring? Hopefully, for each of us, good health and fun adventures and always a little more time spent with fabric and needle...
At Taylorsoutback, thinking of the positive “things” even though, at times, it felt like I was spinning my wheels and going nowhere.
Dealing with a very hot and dry growing season and not having the usual results with tried and true plantings in the raised beds...and then realizing what a plentiful crop of red and yellow onions we have stored for the long winter (have not purchased any onions at the store in over 2 years - enjoying 2 successive seasons of yield)
Successful outings with the RV and returning home without incident or needing repair (unlike previous years!)
Spending time on our new deck...
Never enough time with friends, but treasuring those occasions when we could get together...
Starting a weight loss journey and seeing positive results...
Digging into the “quilting cave” and seeing old UFO’s completed or moving forward...

There were also some “mini” quilts finished and featured each month...yes, I miss some months, but at least have something to show for it!.
So, all in all, when taken as a whole, I feel good by what has been accomplished...and have a sense of renewed enthusiasm.
Before I wrap up this final post for 2018, want to share some information - we attended the December 27th showing of Peter Jackson’s “They Shall Not Grow Old” - 4 years in the making; going through 100’s of World War I movies and photos; restoring them; adding voices and color and creating an incredible glimpse into The Great War and what everyday soldiers endured. I urge everyone to see this when it comes to a theater near you. It is moving; at times humorous; at times, so brutal you want to turn away. In the end, it is one more undeniable message of how useless and wasteful any war is...my own Grandpa, along with his brother, Victor, immigrated from Lithuania prior to the outbreak of the war, became an American citizen and enlisted in the Army and was sent to France. He fought on the Western Front (Company M, 148th Infantry) and was wounded during the battle in Meuse-Argonne. He laid for several days, in great pain, hoping the enemy would not find him, before he was found by the local French and taken to a nearby farmhouse. He was finally picked up and returned to the Field hospital but his leg had to be amputated. (Note: - as often happens with a Post-War government, Grandpa did not received his much deserved Purple Heart until 1955 - 37 years after he had been wounded.)
This is the only photograph I have of Grandpa (1890 - 1975) taken when he was recuperating from his injury. He is on the left, turned away from the camera but smiling. Look at his comrades too...all so young and smiling - even after what they endured. Growing up and visiting Grandma & Grandpa’s farm in Wisconsin, I always remember him as being quiet but quick to smile. I can still hear him talking with Great Uncle Victor in their native language...the memories and stories they must have shared...I wish I had been older and wise enough to understand...

Thank you for visiting my little blog through out the year, for your kind comments and encouragement and for sharing your creativity that energizes me...
Wishing each of you sweet memories and all the very best in the New Year...